Yoga & Ayurvedic Lifestyle Management
Yoga & Ayurvedic Lifestyle Management
- To improve the quality of life basic knowledge of body soul and mind is needed . These all are explained in ayurvedic way
- Yama,Niyama etc are the basic personal controlling entities of a human being . These helps to improve the positive thinking and view of life
- Practice of anuloma viloma pranayama techniques, Bhramari ,bhasthrika, seethali etc meditation methods
- Sukhasana,vajrasana,padmasana etc siting aasana postures, Vrikshasana, Thadasana, etc standing postures
- Bujangasana,matsyasana,pavanamukthasana,shalabasana etc lying postures Surya namaskara techniques Bindhutradaka ,Jyothi thradaka , eye excercise etc
- Positioning of all these aasana along with breadth control is given in practice
- Positioning of all these aasana along with breadth control is given in practice
- Life style Management, Sadvritha_good deeds and positive regimen of a human being, Dinacharya - daily regimens, Rithucharya - seasonal regimens to be followed.
- Concept of virudhahara & Concept of thrayogasthamba